X/C Aviation 25W-60 für Sternmotoren - Karton 12x 1AQ Flasche

Artikel-Nr.: 1045500

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Preis inkl. MwSt. zzgl. Versand
1 l = 12,53 €

1 l = 12,53 €

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Wird zur Schmierung von Sternmotoren in Flugzeugen eingesetzt, die zur Verwendung mit Commercial Grade 120 Luftfahrtöl entwickelt wurden.

Phillips XC 25W-60 Spezifikationen:

  • Multigrade ashless dispersant mineral base aviation piston engine oil
  • Compatible with all other approved piston engine aviation engine oils
  • SAE 25W low temperature viscosity for start-up and quick lubrication
  • Full bodied SAE 60 for complete protection at high engine temperatures
  • Lowers oil consumption in most engines
  • Meets the requirements of Pratt & Whitney Bulletin 1183 "U", MIL-L-22851D (obs), QPL #D07L1-25W-60, SAE Standard K 1899
  • FFA Approved
  • Provides excellent service as an operational oil and is also recommended for use during the "Break-in" Process
  • 25W-60 is designed for radial and other aviation engines that require or specify 120 grade oils


Produkt Hinweis Status Preis
Ölauffangwanne Ölauffangwanne
94,00 € *
Preise inkl. MwSt. zzgl. Versand
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